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2008-03-26 12:42:50 +00:00
* *
* These apply everywhere and will need setting *
* *
********* Mandatory *********
* Ex : $c->pg_connect[] = 'dbname=rscds port=5432 user=general'
* The application will attempt to
* connect to the database, successively applying connection parameters from
* the array in $c->pg_connect.
* used in the web interface but also the caldav Server
$c->pg_connect[] = "dbname=rscds user=general";
// $c->pg_connect[] = "dbname=rscds user=general port=5433 host=somehost password=mypass";
********* Desirable *********
* default : Really Simple CalDAV Store
* Is used to specify the authentication realm of the server, as well as
* being used as a name to display in various places.
$c->system_name = "Really Simple CalDAV Store";
* default is false
* If true, then events requested from someone other than the admmin or owner
* of a calendar will not get any alarm for it. Some client software also
* allows you to configure calendar by calendar which ones allow alarms.
$c->hide_alarm = true;
*default is false
*If true, then TODO requested from someone other than the admmin or owner
* of a calendar will not get any answer
$c->hide_TODO = true;
* *
* ADMIN web Interface *
* *
* Displayed on the login page to indicate who you should ask if you have
* problems logging on. Also for the "From" of the email sent when a user
* has lost his password and click on the login page
* on "Help! I've forgotten my password"
$c->admin_email ='calendar-admin@example.com';
* default=true
* if true the admin web interface will
* have link on name to access details
* <p>The "enable_row_linking" option controls whether javascript is used
* to make the entire row clickable in browse lists in the administration
* pages. Since this doesn't work in Konqueror you may want to set this
* to false if you expect people to be using Konqueror with the RSCDS
* administration pages.</p>
// $c->enable_row_linking = true;
* These should be an array of style sheets with a path specified relative
* to the root directory. Used for overriding display styles in the admin
* interface.
* e.g. : $c->local_styles = array('/css/my.css');
// $c->local_styles = array();
// $c->print_styles = array();
* *
* Caldav Server *
* *
* The "collections_always_exist" value defines whether a MKCALENDAR
* command is needed to create a calendar collection before calendar
* resources can be stored in it. You will want to leave this to the
* default (true) if people will be using Evolution or Sunbird /
* Lightning against this because that software does not support the
* creation of calendar collections.
* Default: true
// $c->collections_always_exist = true;
* The name of a user's "home" calendar. This will be created for each
* new user.
* Default: 'home'
// $c->home_calendar_name = 'home';
* An array of groups / permissions which should be automatically added
* for each new user created. This is a crude mechanism which we
* will hopefully manage to work out some better approach for in the
* future. For now, create an array that looks something like:
* array( 9 => 'R', 4 => 'A' )
* to create a 'read' relationship to user_no 9 and an 'all' relation
* with user_no 4.
* Default: none
// $c->default_relationships = array();
* *
* External Authentication Sources *
* *
* Allow specifying another way to control access of the user by authenticating
* him against other drivers such has LDAP (the default is the PgSQL DB)
* $c->authenticate_hook['call'] should be set to the name of the plugin and must
* be a valid function that will be call like this:
* call_user_func( $c->authenticate_hook['call'], $username, $password )
* The login mecanism is made in 2 places:
* - for the web interface in: index.php that calls RSCDSSession.php that extends
* Session.php (from AWL libraries)
* - for the caldav client in: caldav.php that calls BasicAuthSession.php
* Both Session.php and BasicAuthSession.php check against the
* authenticate_hook['call'], although for BasicAuthSession.php this will be for
* each page. For Session.php this will only occur during login.
* $c->authenticate_hook['config'] should be set up with any configuration data
* needed by the authenticate call for the moment used only in awl/inc/AuthPlugins.php
* and he used to authenticate the user should be at least 'password,user_no'
* awl/inc/AuthPlugins.php is a sample file not used by showing what could be
* a hook
/******* Other AWL hook *********/
// $c->authenticate_hook = array(
// 'call' => 'auth_other_awl',
// 'config' => array(
/** A PgSQL database connection string for the database containing user records */
// 'connection' => 'dbname=wrms host=otherhose port=5433 user=general',
/** Which columns should be fetched from the database */
// 'columns' => "user_no, active, email_ok, joined, last_update AS updated, last_used, username, password, fullname, email"
// )
// );
/*********** LDAP hook **********/
//$c->authenticate_hook['call'] = 'LDAP_check';
//$c->authenticate_hook['config'] = array(
// 'host' => 'www.tennaxia.net', //host name of your LDAP Server
// 'port' => '389', //port
// 'bindDN'=> 'cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=tennaxia,dc=net', //DN to bind to this server enabling to perform request
// 'passDN'=> 'xxxxxxxx', //Password of the previous bindDN to bind to this server enabling to perform request
// 'baseDNUsers'=> 'dc=tennaxia,dc=net', //where to look at valid user
// 'filterUsers' => 'objectClass=kolabInetOrgPerson', //filter that must validate an valid user
// 'baseDNGroups' => 'ou=divisions,dc=tennaxia,dc=net', //not used ATM
// 'filterGroups' => 'objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames', //not used ATM
/** /!\ "username" should be set and "updated" must be set **/
// 'mapping_field' => array("username" => "uid",
// "updated" => "modifyTimestamp",
// "fullname" => "cn" ,
// "email" =>"mail",
// "active" => ), //used to create the user based on his ldap properties
/** used to set default value for all users, will be overcharged by ldap if defined also in mapping_field **/
// 'default_value' => array("date_format_type" => "U","locale" => "en_NZ"),
/** foreach key set start and length in the string provided by ldap
example for openLDAP timestamp : 20070503162215Z **/
// 'format_udpated'=> array('Y' => array(0,4),'m' => array(4,2),'d'=> array(6,2),'H' => array(8,2),'M'=>array(10,2),'S' => array(12,2))
// );
* The default locale will be "en_NZ";
* If you are in a non-English locale, you can set the default_locale
* configuration to one of the supported locales.
* Supported Locales (at present, see: "select * from supported_locales ;" for a full list)
* "de_DE", "en_NZ", "es_AR", "fr_FR", "nl_NL", "ru_RU"
* If you want locale support you probably know more about configuring it than me, but
* at this stage it should be noted that all translations are UTF-8, and pages are
* served as UTF-8, so you will need to ensure that the UTF-8 versions of these locales
* are supported on your system.
* People interested in providing new translations are directed to the Wiki:
* http://rscds.sourceforge.net/moin/TranslatingRscds
// $c->default_locale = "en_NZ";
* Default will be $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
* This is used to construct URLs which are passed in the answers to the client. You may
* want to force this to a specific domain in responses if your system is accessed by
* multiple names, otherwise you probably won't need to change it.
// $c->domain_name;
* Used as a fallback for the TZID of an event where one is not supplied as part
* of a VEVENT. The local (server) time zone will be used as a default.
// $c->local_tzid;
/********* Other options ********/
* For the curious, there are a number of other references to $c->something
* which are (or might appear to be) configuration items. This file contains
* some documentation for them, but it is strongly recommended that you should
* not touch any of these. Either you will break the application or they will
* have no effect because they are simply calculated internally.
* Set automatically according to $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']
* It will be used to set the adress of each tab of the web interface,
* to set the relative address of images and so forth. You probably should
* not change it unless you know why you want to.
// $c->base_url
* Automatically set according to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], but could be overridden
* if that gets it wrong for some reason.
// $c->base_directory = "/not/here";
* Used to set the timeouts applying to the LOCK method.
// $c->default_lock_timeout;
// $c->maximum_lock_timeout;
* default = true;
* If set, RSCDS will store each unique time zone used in any calendar to speed
* future timezone interpretation.
// $c->save_time_zone_defs;
* Internal variable used to contain arrays of stylesheets or javascripts
* which are needed by the page being displayed.
// Usually internally assigned, but you may want to set it to something meaningful
// if you are writing your own pages within the admin interface.
// $c->scripts = array();
// $c->stylesheets = array();
* Internal variable to display page's title
* in the web interface
// Usually internally assigned, but you may want to set it to something meaningful
// if you are writing your own pages within the admin interface.
// $c->page_title;
* Internal array variable to hold error messages to be displayed on top of page
* in the web interface
// Usually internally assigned, but you may want to append meaningful messages
// to this array if you are writing your own pages within the admin interface.
* These 6 next properties are extracted automatically from the Changelog
* used to give informtion for debugging
// Internally assigned
// $c->code_debian,
// $c->code_major,
// $c->code_minor,
// $c->code_patch,
// $c->code_pkgver,
// $c->code_version,
* Used internally to know the revision of the database schema and display
* in HTTP error anwser in the header
// Internally assigned
// $c->schema_major
// $c->schema_minor
// $c->schema_patch
// $c->schema_version