EAPI=2 inherit eutils java-pkg-2 DESCRIPTION="Nexus Maven Repository Server" MY_P=${P/nexus/nexus-oss-webapp} SLOT="0" SRC_URI="http://nexus.sonatype.org/downloads/${MY_P}-bundle.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.5" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.5" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} NEXUS_HOME=/usr/share/${PN} pkg_setup() { java-pkg-2_pkg_setup enewgroup nexus enewuser nexus -1 /bin/sh -1 nexus } src_install() { cd "${S}/bin/jsw" case ${ARCH} in x86) F_ARCH="linux-x86-32" ;; amd64) F_ARCH="linux-x86-64" ;; *) die "This ebuild doesn't support ${ARCH}." ;; esac ls | grep -v $F_ARCH | xargs rm -vR || die "remove failed" dodir ${NEXUS_HOME} diropts -m775 -o nexus -g nexus keepdir /etc/nexus keepdir /var/lib/nexus/ keepdir /var/log/nexus/ keepdir /var/run/nexus/ keepdir /var/tmp/nexus/ dosym /var/log/nexus ${NEXUS_HOME}/logs dosym /var/log/nexus /var/lib/nexus/logs dosym /etc/nexus ${NEXUS_HOME}/conf # zunaechst nur an localhost binden sed -i -e 's:application-host=' "${S}"/conf/plexus.properties # working-dir aendern sed -i -e 's:nexus-work=\${basedir}/../sonatype-work/nexus:nexus-work=/var/lib/nexus:' "${S}"/conf/plexus.properties cd "${S}" chown -R nexus:nexus bin/* runtime/* cp -pPR bin runtime "${D}${NEXUS_HOME}" || die "failed to copy runtime" cp -pPR conf/* "${D}/etc/nexus" || die "failed to copy conf" dosym /var/tmp/nexus /usr/share/nexus/runtime/tmp newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nexus.init nexus elog "Nexus storage is /var/lib/nexus. Ensure that there is enough space." elog "The default password for user admin is admin123." ewarn "For security reasons nexus is bound to localhost." ewarn "Before binding to public ip or mapping with mod_jk, please change passwords." }