2008-10-28 20:30:24 +00:00

62 lines
1.4 KiB

# For information on options, see the transmission-daemon(1) man page.
# The commented variables in this file are the defaults that are used
# in the init-script. You don't need to uncomment them except to
# customize them to different values.
# The folder where Transmission stores its config and .torrent files
# TR_HOME=/var/transmission/config
# The folder where Transmission stores downloads
# TR_DOWNLOAD=/var/transmission/downloads
# The port Transmission uses to connect to other peers
# TR_PORT=54318
# The name of the user that runs transmission-daemon and owns the files
# TR_USERNAME=nobody
# Login credentials for the Web- and the RPC-interface
# - default: leave empty to disable access authentication
# - alternative: set a user name and password
# ----- ADVANCED OPTIONS -----
# Acces control lists
# (machines/networks allowed/denied to control transmission -- comma separated)
# TR_ACL="+"
# Enable use of block lists
# (read the Wiki about what else needs to be done)
# Control port used
# Initial speed limits (in K/s)
# default: no limits? 100/100 seems to be the hardcoded default
# TR_UP_SPEED=unlimited
# TR_DN_SPEED=unlimited
# Peer exchange
# TR_PX=no
# Port mapping using NAT/UPnP
# TR_PMAP=no
# Encryption
# Any of :
# TR_ENCRYPT=tolerated
# TR_ENCRYPT=prefered
# TR_ENCRYPT=required